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The Mike Endres Toy Soldier and Military Miniatures Collection and Additional Properties -- Auction 21 -- May 29, 30 and 31, 2015

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Image Lot Description Estimate (USD) Price Realized
1301 Courtenay-Greenhill Sir John de Woodforde With Moveable Visor, signed on base "Courtenay-Greenhill Bournemouth England 24 Sep 2007 Pewter Peter & Gilly Greenhill 10236," Unboxed, 1 Piece, Post War, Condition Near Mint $300 - $500 $180
1302 Courtenay-Greenhill Duplex 8 Thomas Lord Roos and Piers Sieur de Sancergnes, facing, signed on base "Courtenay-Greenhill Bournemouth England 30th April 1982 Pewter Peter Greenhill," #1425 Unboxed, 1 Piece, Post War, Condition Near Mint $700 - $900 $800
1303 Courtenay-Greenhill Rauf de Beaupree H5 Rauf de Beaupree H5. Signed on base "Courtenay-Greenhill." #1222 Unboxed. 1 piece. Post War. Condition near mint. $700 - $900 $750
1304 Courtenay-Greenhill John II King of France H4 Signed on base "Courteny-Greenhill Bournemouth England, September 1981," #1927 Unboxed, 2 Piece - detachable King, Post War, Condition Near Mint $600 - $800 $425
1305 Courtenay-Greenhill Duplex Guillaume de Clermont-Nesle submits to Sir Walter Paveley, signed on base "Courtenay-Greenhill Wimbledon England December 1980 Pewter," Unboxed, 1 Piece, Post War, Condition Near Mint $700 - $900 $1,300
1306 Mignot Set #715 Alpine Chausseurs 1916 A fantastic 3 tier display set in original box, 36 Pieces, Condition Excellent, box Excellent (several figures have become unsecured from the cardboard base, will need simple glue repair when received. *Due to the size of this lot there will be an additional $25 shipping $250 - $350 $400
1307 Very Rare Cherilea Baseball Set Very rare and desirable set depicting American baseball at it's finest. Original tied in box, 11 Pieces, Condition Excellent, Box Very Good, Box top original but incorrect for set. $2200 - $2800 $3,400
1308 Heyde Rare Trooping of the Colours Incredible 55 Pieces, No Box, Pre War, Set includes 6 Standard Bearers from each branch of the British Service along with a full 25 piece Guards Band and 6 piece 6 Drum Corps. 50mm. Condition Very Good, several troopers rifles are detach, most are present. $1000 - $1500 $3,600
2001 Britains Set #8 4th Hussars Post War. 5 pieces, untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition very good. Box good (slight mildew on lid) $80 - $120 $130
2002 Britains from Set #19 West India Regiment with mounted Officer. Pre-War. 13 pieces with original illustrated box. Condition excellent. Box good (with slight fray on lid) $200 - $300 $375
2003 Britains Set #31 First Dragoons/the Royals Pre-War. 5 pieces with original Armies of the World Box and inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box very good (lid split at one corner) $150 - $250 $300
2004 Britains Set #47 Skinners Horse Pre-War. 5 pieces with original Armies of the World Box and inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good. $150 - $250 $300
2005 Britains Set #47 Skinners Horse Post War. 5 pieces tied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (split at two corners of lid) $80 - $120 $110
2006 Britains RARE Set #62 First Bengal Cavalry Pre-War. 10 pieces in a retaining card in original Sons of the Empire, Indian Army Box. Condition excellent. Box good (4 corners of lid split) $400 - $600 $900
2007 Britains RARE Set # 64 2nd Madras Cavalry and the 7th Bengal Infantry. 13 pieces untied, but has backing card in original Types of the World's Armies box. Condition excellent. Box good (4 corners of lid split) $500 - $700 $800
2008 Britains Set #66 Duke of Connaughts Indian Cavalry. Post War. 5 pieces untied in a R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $80 - $120 $160
2009 Britains Set #71 Turkish Cavalry Pre-War. 5 pieces with original Whisstock box and inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good. (one corner split on lid and slight stain on label.) $250 - $350 $225
2010 Britains Set #77 the Gordon Highlanders Post War. 6 pieces in original R.O.A.N. box, untied. Condition excellent. Box very good (with slight water stain on label) $60 - $80 $130
2011 Britains Set #92 Spanish Infantry Pre-War. 8 pieces in original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $250 - $350 $450
2012 Britains Set #115 Egyptian Cavalry Pre-War. 5 pieces in original Whisstock box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good (one corner of lid split and a stain on the label) $150 - $250 $150
2013 Britains Set #136 Russia Cossacks Post War. 5 pieces in original R.O.A.N. box. Untied. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $80 - $120 $120
2014 Britains Set #141 Infanterie de Ligne Pre-War. 8 pieces in original Whisstock box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good (two holes in the box lid and one split end of lid) $150 - $250 $190
2015 Britains Set #147 Zulus Pre-War. 7 pieces in original Types of African Warrior box, untied. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $150 - $250 $110
2016 Britains Set #147 Zulus Post War. 8 pieces with original comic label box. (one base of figure slightly mismatched). Condition very good. Box very good. $80 - $120 $70
2017 Britains from Set #151 Royal Naval Reserve Pre-War. 7 pieces untied, in original box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $150 - $250 $400
2018 Britains Set #165 Italian Cavalry Pre-War. 5 pieces with original Whisstock box and inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good (2 splits in lid) $400 - $600 $650
2019 Britains Set #172 Bulgarian Infantry Pre-War. 8 pieces in original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $400 - $600 $650
2020 Britains Set #175 Austro-Hungarian Cavalry Pre-War. 5 pieces in original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box very good. $300 - $500 $900
2021 Britains Set #177 Austro-Hungarian Infantry of the Line. Pre-War. 8 pieces in original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box very good. $250 - $350 $450
2022 Britains Set #182 11th Hussars Dismounted Pre-War. 8 pieces. In original Whisstock box. Condition excellent. Box good (3 corners of lid split) $100 - $180 $120
2023 Britains Set #183 Cowboys on foot Post War. 7 pieces with original illustrated box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $140
2024 Britains Set #190 Belgian Cavalry Pre-War 5 pieces with original Whisstock box and inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good (label peeling and part of end label missing) $120 - $180 $130
2025 Britains Set #192 French Infantry of the Line active service. Pre-War. 8 pieces with original box and retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good. (one corner of lid split and the label peeling.) $150 - $250 $275
2026 Britains Set #196 Greek Evzones Pre-War. 8 pieces with original Types of the Greek Army box and retaining card. Condition excellent. Box very good (one corner of lid split) $150 - $250 $250
2027 Britains Set #196 Greek Evzones Post War. 8 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $100 - $150 $180
2028 Britains Set #197 Gurkhas Post War. 8 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $170
2029 Britains from Set #199 Motorcycle Machine Guns Pre-War. 2 motorcycle sets in original box. Condition excellent. Box good (split in corner of lid and label peeling) $100 - $150 $150
2030 Britains Set #203 Royal Engineers Pontoon Pontoon and bridge sections on Wagon in original Whisstock box. Pre-War. 7 pieces. Condition excellent. Box very good. (one corner of lid split) $200 - $300 $325
2031 Britains Set #209 Cowboy display Post War. 11 pieces untied in original illustrated box. Condition excellent. Box good (3 corners of lid split) $150 - $250 $200
2032 Britains Set #212 Royal Scots Pre-War. 8 pieces. In original Whisstock box and a retaining card. Condition excellent. Box very good $200 - $300 $275
2033 Britains Set #216 Argentine Infantry Pre-War. 8 pieces. In original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $200 - $300 $300
2034 Britains Set #221 Uruguayan Cadets Post War. 8 pieces in original R.O.A.N. box, untied. Condition excellent. Box very good. (a bit of pencil writing on lid) $150 - $250 $325
2035 Britains Set #225 King's African Rifles Post War. 8 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $100
2036 Britains Set #229 U.S. Cavalry Post War. 5 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (2 corner splits in lid) $80 - $120 $110
2037 Britains Set #267 U.S. Army Display Post War. 12 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (4 splits in corners of lid) $200 - $300 $180
2038 Britains Set #432 German Infantry Pre-War. 8 pieces in original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $100 - $150 $120
2039 Britains Set #432 German Infantry Post War. 8 pieces in original R.O.A.N. box, untied. Condition excellent. Box good (ink on lid) $80 - $120 $60
2040 Britains Set #1253 U.S. Navy in White uniforms Post War. 8 pieces in original R..O.A.N. box, untied. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $60
2041 Britains Set #1301 U.S. Military Band Post War. 12 pieces tied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $250 - $350 $200
2042 Britains Set #1434 Abyssinian Display Emperors Bodyguard and Tribesman. Pre-War. 16 pieces, untied. In original box. Condition excellent. Box poor (one end of lid missing and box crushed.) $300 - $500 $850
2043 Britains Set #1437 Italian Carabinieri Pre-War. 8 pieces in original box with inner retaining card. Condition excellent. Box very good. $150 - $250 $250
2044 Britains Set #1517 Waterloo Highlanders Pre-War. 8 pieces in an original Historical box and in a retaining card. Condition excellent. Box good (end of lid with description detached. $150 - $250 $250
2045 Britains Set #1613 British Infantry in action Post War. 8 pieces in original R.O.A.N. box. Untied. Condition excellent. Box poor (both ends of box are missing and 3 corners of lid split) $80 - $120 $130
2046 Britains Set #1621 Frontier Force Pre-War. 8 pieces in a retaining card in an original box, but no lid. Condition of pieces excellent. Box good. $150 - $250 $200
2047 Britains Set #1631 Governor General's Horse Guards of Canada. Post War. 5 pieces untied in an original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good. (lid split at 3 corners) $80 - $120 $170
2048 Britains Set #1791 Royal Corps of Signals Dispatch Riders. Post War. 4 pieces tied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (one corner of lid split and part of end label is missing) $150 - $250 $110
2049 Britains Set #1836 Argentine Military Cadets Not issued until Post War; although it has a Pre-War number and an Armies of the World box. 8 pieces. Condition excellent. Box good.(end of box with description is detached. ) $600 - $800 $700
2050 Britains Set #1900 South African Louw Wepener Pre-War. 8 pieces. Condition excellent (except one figure has an arm peg missing) Box very good, but no tie card. $250 - $350 $130
2051 Britains Set #2027 Russians in Winter Dress Post War. 7 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (but split in bottom of it) $80 - $120 $100
2052 Britains Set #2027 Russians in Winter Dress Post War. 8 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $180
2053 Britains Set #2032 Russians in Summer Dress Post War. 7 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $90
2054 Britains Set #2055 Confederate Cavalry Post War. 4 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (4 corners of lid split) $80 - $120 $80
2055 Britains Set #2056 Union Cavalry Post War. 5 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition very good. Box good (4 corners of lid split) $80 - $120 $80
2056 Britains Set #2076 12th Lancers Post War. 5 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box very good. $80 - $120 $160
2057 Britains Set #2098 VERY RARE Venezuelan Cadets Post War. 7 pieces untied in original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (but split in one corner of lid and one end containing end label partially missing) $250 - $350 $130
2058 Britains Set #2105 Venezuelan Infantry Post War. 15 pieces tied in an original R.O.A.N. box. Condition excellent. Box good (with one corner of lid gone.) $250 - $350 $160
2059 Britains Set #9153 Royal Corps of Signals Dispatch Riders and Foot Officer. Post War. 4 pieces tied in original cellophane front box (no cellophane) $100 - $150 $70
2060 Britains Set #9186 Confederate Infantry Post War. 6 pieces tied in original cellophane front box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $80 - $120 $120
2061 Britains Set #9187 Union Infantry Post War. 6 pieces tied in original cellophane front box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $80 - $120 $110
2062 Britains Set #9256 Royal Canadian Mounted Police on horses. Post War. 4 pieces tied in original cellophane front box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $100 - $150 $70
2063 Britains Set #9286 Confederate Cavalry Post War. 4 pieces tied in original cellophane front box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $80 - $120 $130
2064 Britains Set #9381 U.S. Marines and West Point Cadets Display. Post War. 16 pieces tied in original cellophane front box. Condition excellent. Box excellent. $150 - $250 $150
2065 Britains from Set #8 4th Queen's Hussars Post War. 5 troopers (no trumpeter) unboxed. Condition very good. $80 - $120 $100
2066 Britains Set #24 9th Royal Lancers Post War. 5 pieces (officer's sword missing). Unboxed. Condition very good. $60 - $80 $80
2067 Britains from Set #27 Infantry of the Line Band assortment. Pre-War and Post War. 13 pieces. (one plastic drum; and one figure not matching). Unboxed. Condition very good. $80 - $120 $200
2068 Britains Set #48 Egyptian Camel Corps Post War. 3 pieces. Unboxed. Condition Excellent. $100 - $150 $110
2069 Britains Set #115 Egyptian Cavalry Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $100
2070 Britains Set #117 Egyptian Infantry with Officer. Post War. 8 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $80 - $120 $160
2071 Britains Set #138 Cuirassiers Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $90
2072 Britains Set #190 Belgian Cavalry Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $110
2073 Britains Set #202 Togoland Warriors Post War. 8 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $100 - $150 $100
2074 Britains Set #217 Argentine Cavalry Post War. 4 pieces. (2 horses legs unpainted) Unboxed. Condition good. $100 - $150 $80
2075 Britains Set #226 West Point Cadets Winter Dress. Post War. 8 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $80 - $120 $100
2076 Britains Set #232 West Point Cadets and US Marines. Post War. 16 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $150 - $250 $80
2077 Britains Set #400 Life Guards, Winter Dress Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $100
2078 Britains from Set #1281 Royal Marine Band Post War. 17 pieces. Unboxed. Condition very good. $200 - $300 $225
2079 Britains Set #1349 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Mounted. Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $80
2080 Britains Set #1510 Sailors in Regulation Dress Bellbottoms. Post War. 8 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $60
2081 Britains from Set #1554 Royal Canadian Mounted Police on foot. Post War 7 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $80
2082 Britains Set #1711 French Foreign Legion with mounted Officer. Post War. 7 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $90
2083 Britains from Set #1720 Royal Scots Greys Band Pre-War and Post War. 11 pieces. (4 with recast arms and 2 with head repairs) Unboxed. Condition good to excellent. $250 - $350 $140
2084 Britains from Set#1893 Indian Army Service Corps Post War. 7 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $100 - $150 $70
2085 Britains Set #2021 U.S. Military Police Snow Drops. Post War. 8 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $45
2086 Britains Set #2027 Russians in Winter Dress Post War. 8 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $110
2087 Britains Set #2029 Life Guard Sentries Post War. 6 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $110
2088 Britains from Set #2030 Australian Infantry 1948 Patterned dress. Post War 7 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $100 - $150 $110
2089 Britains from Set #2033 U.S. Infantry with flag bearer. Post War. 6 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $130
2090 Britains Set #2055 Confederate Cavalry Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $80
2091 Britains Set #2056 Union Cavalry Post War. 5 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $60 - $80 $80
2092 Britains from Set#2063 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Post War. 6 pieces. Unboxed. Condition excellent. $40 - $60 $80

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